Capercaillie Capercaillie - Milleadh Nam Braidhrean

I ri dhiu o ro hu o
I ri dhiu o ro eile
I ri dhiu o ro leannain
Se bu mhath leam bhith reidh riut

Bha am brathair a b'fhaisg ort
Dha do choimhead 's tu nad eiginn
'S ann a direadh na bruthaich
'S ann a rug iad air m'eudail.

'Sann a' direadh na bruthaich
'Sann a rug iad air m'eudail
'Sann a direadh a' gharraidh
Leig mo ghradh a cheud eibhe

Thuirt am brathair bu shine,
"Leig na sginean gu cheile"
Thuirt am brathair a b'oige
"Chan i choir, ach 's i'n eucoir"

Tha mo mhollachd aig mo phiuthair
Gruagach bhuidh' an fhuilt ghie-ghil
'S i a dh'innis do m'bhraithrean
Thu bhith air airigh a Cheitinn.

What I Would Like Is To Be At Peace With You

The brother nearest to you
Was watching you in your agony
It was going up the brae
That they caught up with my darling

It was when climbing the garden wall
That my love gave the first shout
The oldest brother said
'Engrage the knives'
The youngest brother said

My curses on my sister
Golden girl of the white fair hair
It was she told my brothers.