Capercaillie Capercaillie - A Ghealaich

Ghealaich ghil a dh'fhoillsich fearann
Ho ro o, o hu o
E ho hi ri ri o ho
E ho hi ri ri o ho
Siubhal fo lan eideadh
Mathair nan reula
O na bi'n eud ruinn
A bheathaich na ceudan
Thoir dhuinn tha 'g eirigh
Boid nach eireadh beud dhuinn
Iobair air reitich
Gu meudach na spreidhe

The moon

Bright white moon that cast light on land)
Ho ro o, o hu o
E ho hi ri ri o ho
E ho hi ri ri o ho
Moving under full sail
The mother of the stars
Oh, don't be jealous of us
You who have provided for hundreds
Give to us who are climbing
A solemn promise that no harm will come to us
A sacrifice at a betrothal
To increase the cattle